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Contact me if you have questions
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Book a coaching/hypnosis consultation

If you have any questions about the way I work or the type of support I offer, I suggest you contact me by telephone. This is a free discovery meeting of about 20 minutes by phone.

The goal is to get to know each other, to answer all your questions, to clarify your expectations and objectives in order to define the program that would suit you best. It allows you to assess whether my approach and my support values ​​suit you.

We'll go a long way together, it's important to make sure you feel confident!

 Leave your phone number in your message and your availability so that I can call you. 

Contact me:

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Coaching & Hypnosis Cabinet

Urbannstrasse 118 -Neukölln Berlin

01577 4019578


Pour suivre toutes mes actualités, la mise en ligne de mes nouveaux programmes, et recevoir des bons plans et cadeaux, inscrivez-vous à la newsletter ! Merci

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2020 © Alintz-CoachinginBerlin. All rights reserved.

2020 © Alintz-CoachinginBerlin. All rights reserved.

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