Life coaching - personal development
Coaching responds to a need for support towards autonomy and self-learning.
As a certified professional coach, I accompany you by questioning you, by putting you in front of your own choices, allowing you to reveal to yourself your own solutions to your problem.
So I help you tap into your resources to transform yourself!
During the first session, we clarify your objective together and we validate the process together.
Then, it takes an average of 8-15 sessions to reach the goal.
Contact me for the contact, without obligation and free, to define together the course which suits you and to fix your first session.
Focus on privacy goals
I can help you regain self-confidence, assert yourself better, strengthen self-esteem, communicate more easily with others and learn to better manage stress and conflicts. Some themes:
- Regain self-confidence
- Work on self-esteem, and assertiveness
- Better manage your emotions and facilitate your relationships with others
- Improve your non-verbal communication
- Learn to speak in public, improve your public speaking
- Better manage your time, better manage your priorities
- Develop your creativity or discover new talents
- Better living a transition - personal breakdown (divorce, separation, dismissal, retirement)
- Surpass yourself to succeed in your personal projects
- Define your life project
- Clarify your relationship to money
- Find a balance between private and professional life
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
During the first session, we clarify your objective together and we validate the process together.
Then, it takes an average of 8-15 sessions to reach the goal.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Session in French (German & English on request)
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Contact me to make contact, without obligation and free, to define together the course that suits you and to set the first session.
Focus on goals related to your professional environment
Depending on your needs, I can help you face professional change situations with more confidence and motivation, strengthen your professional efficiency, clarify and prepare your professional future or develop your relational communication skills.
Some themes:
- Change professional path
- Improve your performance at work
- Gain self-confidence at work or regain self-confidence at work
- Optimize your job search strategy
- Pass an interview, prepare an oral competition
- Learn to communicate more effectively, to convince or negotiate
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
During the first session, we clarify your objective together and we validate the process together.
Then, it takes an average of 8-15 sessions to reach the goal.
Session in French (German & English on request)
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Contact me to make contact, without obligation and free of charge, to define together the course that suits you and schedule your first session.
Quelques thématiques en coaching professionel:
En général, on vient me voir quand :
- Stress et fatigue au travail
- Burn-out, bore-out
- Perte de sens et de motivation dans son travail
- Situations conflictuelles au travail, mobbing
- Problème de légitimité, de confiance en soi
- Recherche d'emploi
- Reconversion professionnelle
- Préparer un entretien, une présentation, un examen
A travers les séances, je vous soutiens dans la définition de votre projet professionnel et dans le développement de vos compétences qui peuvent vous être utile pour votre future carrière.
Mentoring - Consulting pour lancer son activité et être visible
De part mon background en business et marketing, j'accompagne aussi les entrepreneur(e)s particulièrement les thérapeutes du bien-être dans leur lancement d'activité et à développer leur visibilité.
Je les aide à définir leur stratégie business et marketing, mais aussi à gagner en légitimité et confiance afin de pouvoir oser passer à l'action.
Quelques thématiques:
- Définir ma vision entreprise - mon Pourquoi
- Définir les 4 P (product, place, price, and promotion)
- Créer mon image de marque
- Gagner en légitimité - en confiance
- Techniques de vente & de visibilité