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Coaching: Services

Create your own bubble of serenity from the desire of a child until the childbirth

I support couples (all family models welcome) with hypnosis especially from childbearing to birth to postpartum


 You are going through emotional, psychic and physical upheavals... which are accompanied by moments of excitement, doubt, fear...
This is why it is necessary to take these bubbles of serenity, in which you connect to the essential...

If you find yourself in one of these situations, it is because my support is made for you. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. I share with you the lessons of my personal history, and my experience as a therapist, in order to help you regain serenity and confidence in yourself and in your capacity to conceive, to experience a smooth and zen birth, and to do peace with your experience. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

When to consult?


 You are going through emotional, psychic and physical upheavals... which are accompanied by moments of excitement, doubt, fear...
This is why it is necessary to take these bubbles of serenity, in which you connect to the essential...

  • Is motherhood and pregnancy a joy for you, but also a source of doubts and fears?

  • Is your pregnancy going well and you would like to prepare yourself for the birth through hypnosis and HypnoNatal®?

  • Or perhaps you are going through a difficult experience, such as difficulty in getting pregnant, a medical procedure, a high-risk pregnancy, or perinatal bereavement? 

  • Did you have a difficult first birth, a miscarriage, an abortion, etc. and are still experiencing this trauma? Did nothing go according to plan for you?

  • If you find yourself in one of these situations, then my hypnosis coaching is for you.



I offer you the benefit of my personal history and my experience as a therapist, in order to help you regain serenity and confidence in yourself and in your ability to conceive, to experience a gentle and zen birth, and to make peace with your experience. (2).png

Hypnosis for pregnancy

Program: 9 month and more

It is an emotional support through therapeutic hypnosis: fear, self-confidence, self-transcendence, insomnia, stress management.

With hypnosis, we also work on the different types of physical pain, nausea, etc...

And during this support, you will learn to practice self-hypnosis to prepare yourself mentally for the birth, and better manage the pain of contractions. 

The support also continues in the post-partum period


Hypnosis for fertility

Program: desire of child

You have been trying to have a child for several months or even years. Without success.  Perhaps there is no explanation for this longer than average delay. Perhaps you are under medical supervision  for several months? or perhaps a part of you is not ready to become a mother?


Hypnosis can help you to free yourself from your fears, your possible blockages, to better manage your daily stress, to relax physically and mentally, and to draw from you the resources to better live the situation, and to renew complicity and joy within your couple.

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Program: childbirth

The HypnoNatal® was created 20 years ago
by Lise Bartoli, perinatal hypnotherapist in France and psychologist

Through the 4 HypnoNatal® sessions, I support pregnant women on a more human and intuitive journey so that they regain confidence in their
skills to become a mother.


Overcoming miscarriage, abortion

Program: reconciliation

When everything didn't go as planned and you are in pain. And drag behind you anger, sadness, guilt and shame ... for a long time sometimes. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Whether you have had one or more miscarriages, aborted, or had a difficult, trying delivery, or even given birth to premature babies ... In addition to this, you need to know more about it. I propose with hypnosis and RITMO to appease these emotions linked to trauma, to reconcile with yourself and to strengthen your self-confidence and self-esteem, in order to live better.

Faced with the current situation, as mothers-to-be and/or mothers who live abroad, who are far from their families,... many of them encounter difficulties in their daily life, feel isolated and need to exchange and be supported.


This is why I have created an exchange group for mothers-to-be and mothers to create a space for communication, listening and support where each of them can share their desires, but also their worries and questions. Talking circles and workshops on fertility, pregnancy and matrescence are held regularly.

 Join the group "Pregnancy, Childbirth and Motherhood Abroad" on facebook

Coaching: Bienvenue

Group workshops and talking circles

Coaching & Hypnosis Cabinet

Urbannstrasse 118 -Neukölln Berlin

01577 4019578


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2020 © Alintz-CoachinginBerlin. All rights reserved.

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