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Hypnose: Services
Personal development hypnosis sessions

Slimming: Weight loss

I help you to quit smoking and above all, not to resume.

Smoking is a habit that has become established over the years, and that is why it is difficult to quit.

The addiction is in your subconscious, and this is exactly where hypnosis begins.

Hypnosis will allow you to dialogue with the subconscious and therefore to reprogram this behavior in order to free you from this old habit.

But remember that in order to be successful in breaking free you have to be motivated and want to quit smoking! I cannot force you to do so.

Training content

This workshop allows you to learn and practice hypnosis on yourself in complete autonomy.
These discovery and training workshops are open to anyone who is curious and wants to go
  to meet their unconscious to better know themselves and change.

➡️ Discovery of hypnosis and self-hypnosis

➡️ Where, when and how to practice self-hypnosis

➡️ Enter a hypnotic state independently

➡️ Setting your goal

➡️ How to enter a trance

➡️ Practical

Training duration: 4 hours
Group: 10-15 people
Location: within your company, or online


➤ You are a business > Contact me to discuss financial and logistical aspects.
➤ You are an individual > Contact me to organize a private event with family or friends.

Coaching & Hypnosis Cabinet

Urbannstrasse 118 -Neukölln Berlin

01577 4019578


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2020 © Alintz-CoachinginBerlin. All rights reserved.

2020 © Alintz-CoachinginBerlin. All rights reserved.

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